Official Website of the
Local Government Unit of Hinatuan

Hall of Fame Awards and Recognition

Municipality of Hinatuan
Latest News
Hinatuan conducts monthly cleanup drive
Mayor Shem G. Garay said the recently-conducted cleanup drive was successful, thus, the monthly municipal wide cleanup campaign should be done once a month to help in maintaining cleanliness all over the municipality, especially its coastlines. Maintenance workers...
Hinatuan recognized as Outstanding PhilHealth Partner
The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) recently awarded a plaque of recognition to Local Government Unit of Hinatuan in recognition of its invaluable support in the fulfillment of PhilHealth's mandate of providing social health insurance services to...
Hinatuan puts up checkpoint to monitor COVID-19
The local government of Hinatuan has established monitoring checkpoint in entry point going to Enchanted River as a precautionary measure against the novel corona virus disease (COVID-19). The move aims to facilitate the speedy tracking of persons who had traveled to...
Hinatuan bans pigs, pork and pork by-products from Luzon
The Local Government of Hinatuan has issued a temporary entry ban on live pigs and pork products from Luzon from entering the municipality. The move is to protect local swine population from the African Swine Fever (ASF). Mayor Shem G. Garay in a meeting with hog...
Executive Order 08 Series of 2020
Temporary ban on all live pigs, pork and pork-related products and by-products whether fresh, frozen, processed or cooked from Luzon and other ASF affected areas.
Registry System for Basic Agriculture Mass Registration
As per national directives from the Department of Agriculture Central Office in partnership with Local Government Units, the municipality of Hinatuan conducted a month-long mass registration for Registry System for Basic Agriculture(RSBSA) on November 15-December 15,...
Enchanted River
Tourism Office
Programs & Services
Peace and Order
Infrastructure Development
Disaster Risk Reduction
Poverty Alleviation
Solid Waste Management
Completed Projects
Transparency Reports
FDP Docs 1st Qtr., 2023 (10)
20-NTA-Utilization-1st-Qtr.-2023Download Bid-Results-1st-Qtr.2023Download LDRRMF-Utilization-1st-Qtr.-2023Download Manpower-Complement-1st-Qtr.-2023Download SEF-Utilization-1st-Qtr.-2023Download SRE_1ST-QTR.-2023Download St.-of-Cash-Flows-1st-Qtr.-2023Download...
Additional 1st Qtr. FDP Docs
SRE_1ST-QTR.-2023Download Statement-of-Debt-Service-1st-Qtr.-2023Download
GAD Plan and Budget 2024
Annual FDP Docs – 2023
Annual-Budget-Report-CY-2023-1Download APP-for-2023Download GAD-AR-2022Download SPPMP-2022Download SRE-2022.Download Statement-of-Debt-ServiceDownload
FDP Docs – 4th Qtr., 2022
20-IRA-Utilization-4th-Qtr.-2022Download BID-RESULT-ON-GOODS-SERVICES-4th-QUARTER-2022Download Cash-Flow-Statement-4th-tr.-2022Download HR-Complement-4th-Qtr.-2022Download MDRRMF-Utilization-4th-Qtr.-2022Download SEF-Utilization-4th-Qtr.-2022Download...
3rd Qtr., 2022 FDP Docs
20-IRA-Utilization-3RD-Qtr.-2022Download BID-RESULT-ON-GOODS-SERVICES-3rd-QUARTER-2022Download HR-Complement-3rd-Qtr.-2022Download MDRRMF-Uti.-3rd-Qtr.-2022Download SEF-Uti-3rd-Qtr.-2022Download St.-of-Cash-Flows-3rd-Qtr.-2022Download...
Emergency Hotlines




0917-3332-8683 / 0998-424-1574

0907-973-7679 / 0912-046-6514